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Online consent : https://consent.sd62.bc.ca/apps/OnlineConsent

General Consent for School Fieldtrips/Activities (annual)

Throughout the school year, within the school day as per Teacher/School planning, your child may be included in a low risk school activity (field trip). High risk activities require a parent consent each activity.

Google Apps For Education Consent (perpetual)

School District #62 (Sooke) will be allowing students in grades 4-12 access to a district-managed Google Apps for Education (GAFE) account. This account provides students with a powerful collection of online collaboration and productivity tools, as well as online file storage to be used for educational purposes.

Internet Access Consent (annual)

Legal and ethical considerations make it imperative that all students who access the Internet from a school-sponsored account understand and agree to abide by the District’s Internet Use Agreement.

Media Consent (annual)

In accordance with the BC Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, the Sooke School District is seeking your consent to collect, retain, use and disclose photographs, videos, images and/or names of students and groups of students in a variety of publications and on the School District’s website(s) for educational purposes, such as recognizing and encouraging student achievement and for the purposes of building the school community and informing others about the school district, its programs and activities.

NA’TSA’MAHT Indigenous Education (annual)

In addition to the scheduled program, if your child self-identifies as having Aboriginal ancestry, in-class support is available weekly.

School Cash Online Consent (perpetual)

By consenting to this form, you give your consent to allow School District No. 62 (Sooke) to share your student’s personal information contained in MyEdBC (Ministry school database), with KEV Group School Cash Online, for the purpose of student fees and online payments.

Web-based Applications General Consent (perpetual)

By granting consent you are agreeing that your child can use the web-based applications approved by the district and understand that these applications may require the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information.

My Blueprint (perpetual)

The My Blueprint platform is used for career education, digital portfolios and self-assessment core competencies from Kindergarten to grade 12.

A more thorough explanations of each consent item will be available online during your consent process.

Some consents will need to be done annually, others are valid as long as the student attends SD62.

Online consent : https://consent.sd62.bc.ca/apps/OnlineConsent