The erase Report It tool is an easy way to send a message to your school or school district’s Safe School Coordinator, who will follow-up on the situation in a timely fashion. They will also follow-up with you privately, if you provide your name.
erase is all about building safe and caring school communities. This includes empowering students, parents, educators and the community partners who support them to get help with challenges, report concerns to schools, and learn about complex issues facing students.
Learn more: Erase = Expect Respect & A Safe Education
West Coast Seeds Fundraiser
Dates: January 20-February 7
Follow the QR code to get to the fundraising site or go to All orders will be delivered to the school and distributed. Please direct questions to
If you are interested in donating toward Spencer Cricket Team please use the link below.
Thank you,
Spencer Cricket Team
Grade 8 Student and Family Information Night
Date: Tuesday, January 28th
Time: 6:00 – 7:30 PM
Location: Belmont Secondary School Gym
What to expect: A 30-40 minute introduction to our school, staff and programs followed by presentations from the District Careers and Academies departments. The second half of the evening will allow time for connecting with the leadership team, some staff, and self-guided tours of the school.
Spencer Middle School Silent Auction Donations and Values List
Please use this link to purchase tickets!
Students are invited to join us on an incredible adventure to Thailand, March 17-28, 2025. To view the trip itinerary please visit this link: Treasures of Thailand day-by-day
Please contact Yvonne Clarke for more information:
Spencer staff and Students enjoyed a competitive game of Cricket yesterday that was featured in a Times Colonist Article!
We are so fortunate to have a Cricket Club here at Spencer Middle School run by our amazing Teachers, Mr. Roy and Mr Walts! The Spencer Cricket Club meets once a week after school. Please follow this link for more information: Spencer Cricket Brochure