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If your child is going to be absent or late from school please send a message to our attendance email address: spencermiddleschool@sd62.bc.ca  indicating your child’s first name , last name, and Teacher’s name. It is expected that parents/guardians monitor their student’s attendance by checking the MyEducationBC Family portal. 

Please also email our attendance address and the teacher if your student requires an early dismissal due to illness or for appointments during school hours. If this is not possible please come to the school office to sign your student out.

Where an extended period of absenteeism is anticipated, the school office and teacher should be advised and home study materials requested from the teacher, if appropriate. Extended or lengthy absences should be communicated well in advance if possible.

In order to support regular attendance and student engagement, the school’s teachers, counsellors, and administration will communicate with parents/guardians regarding concerns about student engagement & unexcused absences and provide support by:

  • communicating with parent(s)/guardian(s) by phone or email concerns about absences or lates.
  • teacher referral to the counsellor and Vice-Principal.
  • referral to School-Based Team.
  • monthly school wide review of attendance.
  • collaborate with a student, their parent(s)/guardian(s), and/or school-based team (teacher, counsellor, Vice-Principal, district support staff) to create a plan for regular attendance.

Continued truancy/unexcused absence may result in:

  • a meeting where student and parent(s)/guardian(s) are required to attend with the Principal and/or the Vice-Principal to explore solutions to address attendance.
  • not meeting the required Learning Standards and impacting grades.
  • non-disciplinary actions to support student via a referral to School or District-Based Team to assess supports.

Closed Campus
Spencer is a closed campus. This means, when students arrive on the school grounds, they are to stay on school grounds until 2:51 at the end of the day. Thank you for respecting this rule which helps keep all students safe.