Home / Students / Code of Conduct




A “Code of Conduct” is a statement about how we work together. It outlines both our rights and our responsibilities as members of a school community. A committee of students, parents, and school staff developed our “Code” in accordance with School District 62 Policy and the B.C. Human Rights Code.


As members of our school community, we have a responsibility to act in ways that are free of:

• Bullying, harassment, threat and intimidation;
• Physical violence and/or violence of any form;
• Verbal, physical, online or sexual misconduct;
• Discrimination, especially based on race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital
status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or
expression, or age (BC Human Rights Code);
• Theft and vandalism.
Our safe and caring school environment does not tolerate the presence of:
• Intoxicating substances;
• Weapons and explosives, regardless of whether real or replica;
• Intruders or trespassers;
• Smoking, vaping or associated paraphernalia.


• The school expects that students will actively participate through effort and punctual, regular
attendance, in their assigned education program.
• Students are expected to respect the rights and property of all staff and students.
• Students are expected to comply with classroom expectations set by individual teachers to
ensure that all students’ rights to effective and efficient learning environments are respected.
• Students are expected to wear clothing that is appropriate for an educational environment.
• Students are expected to respect all school and school related events and ensure they are free
from use of restricted substances, weapons and of intimidation.
• Students are expected to respect the appropriate use of school computers, internet access and
cell phone use while at school.
• Students are expected to stay on campus throughout the entire day.


• Students will not interfere with the learning or learning environment of others.
• Students will not display behaviour that includes bullying, harassment, intimidation, or be
racially, ethnically, or sexually prejudiced.
• Students will not steal, smoke, vape or be in possession of, or under the influence of, drugs or
alcohol while on the school property or in attendance of any school events.
• Students will not plagiarize (copy) electronic or print media or other students’ work or display
any academic dishonesty.
• Students will not be involved in any acts of verbal or cyber-hate messaging/websites.
• Students will not be involved in any illegal acts such as assault, theft or damage to property.


SD62 Schools are committed to restricting the use of personal digital devices at school for the purpose of promoting online safety and focused learning environments.

Teachers may plan for student use of personal mobile devices for instructional purposes or digital literacy, for health or medical purposes or as assistive technology for the purpose of inclusive education as informed by the Inclusive Education Teacher. At all other times, personal mobile devices, inclusive of laptops and chrome books shall remain stored away for the duration of the school day (this includes recess and lunch). This policy applies to ear buds/headphones as well.


Violence and threats of violence are taken very seriously in the Sooke School District. As such, the district provides parents/guardians with a Fair Notice about its Violence Threat Risk Assessment (VTRA) policies and protocols.